Basic ivy style
Does this count as an offset?
Coming at ya from Port Hawkesbury
I’m mostly deaf in one ear, do I need to pan instruments left and right?
Thrifted somebody’s once well loved N&F jeans
Can I plug multiple guitars into these? I've always wondered, never asked. Fender Twin Reverb.
Soundcraft 500 Monitor
Most authentic water slide decals
Cricket Sweater
‘78 Musicmaster refinish?
Custom 60s/70s inspired Fender Jaguar
Ok Offsetters, whatcha think ?
I need help figuring out which layout is better
Freemasonry and Christianity
reply with a 11/10 blues album
Levi Perry Marauder
Burgundy, Navy, White
Fuzz in jag?
Got bored again. Built another 4x12.
Canadians seem more keen on joining the EU than CANZUK.
Should Canada join the EU?
I hear we are doing bald eagles now…
Current WIP so far. Washers or no washers?
Just got my jag back from the shop with some mods.
The Boojums - Outta My Head
Black Bobbin Phantone VI Aged Copper Metallic