Ryan Cohen transfers all GME shares held in RC Ventures to his own personal name
If you want confirmation, look no further than the PCR—
Ryan Cohen's new tweet
PP is a fucking moron
Go Global had a NDA for "Project Butterfly - BuyBuyBaby" on March 17, 2023... before BBBY filed for bankruptcy
Update: The United States seeks court approval of the proposed Final Judgment against Ryan Cohen for violating Antitrust Laws in Wells Fargo Stock Acquisition
BBBY responds to Ryan Cohen's letter
GameStop Appoints Nat Turner to Board of Directors
Ryan Cohen reposting greg and Buck the Bunny
Ryan Cohen seeks a pre-motion conference to dismiss BBBY's Section 16(b) Lawsuit against him
RoaringKitty out of $CHWY
Ryan Cohen Buys All Stocks story foretold by RoaringKitty
1 Year Later after our shares were cancelled... It's not over until the final decree is signed.
When is it over?
Ryan Cohen opposes Motion for Reconsideration for Bratya's case on the same day it was filed
At this point what could be the hold up if any?
Dragonfly Cohencidence
HBC granted leave to file Amicus Curiae Brief. The brief shall be filed no later than October 11, 2024.
Ryan Cohen's response to Section 16(b) lawsuit filed by BBBY
Bratya’s motion denied.
GameStop Completes At-The-Market Equity Offering Program
RC predicted the next iPhone will be called iPhone 16. RC also predicted his failure to comply to the High-Speed Rail (HSR) network. This is an amazing achievement.
Meltregards think Teddy Holdings LLC is a fictional company based on RC’s children’s books
Can anyone confirm if $BBBY bonds are being converted into shares on E-trade
GameStop Discloses Second Quarter 2024 Results