Just completed student teaching & graduated — I will NEVER become a teacher.
those lazy unemployed fifth graders
Paying $91 for a mandatory text book that “expires” after 13 months
wake up babe red card 2.0 just dropped
guys we get it
Snapchat sent me an image notification of someone I don't know and don't follow
Getting a job
Age gap relationship
Texan Moving to Kentucky in Jan - Tips for Driving in Winter?
Could be controversial: job listings like this irk me on behalf of all my fellow teachers
What do you pack for lunch?
they farted and then ran away
Do you remember your students from many years ago?
I asked for extra queso :p
Education/Teaching Program w/ Certification
I (23f) am moving cross-country to move in with my bf (22m) in less than a month, and I don’t know what to do.
What time does school begin for you?
Kids are getting ruder, teachers say. And new research backs that up
They Can’t Be This Lazy Can They?
‘Apathy Detention’
How to translate live for bilingual students?
How effective are college degrees in fields that you have no background/experience in?