First time I changed the clock in my car without having to look in the manual or on YouTube!!!
Executive orders for lumber
Yalta was a Giant Pepperoni (1945)
I miss home ec class
Illinois governor declares Lake Michigan is now Lake Illinois
how do you guys spot a drummer in the wild?
If you live in Hillsboro, you know the struggle...
Neal Cassady at 710
Life Size Frank Zappa Doll (work in progress!)
Xerces Society petition: What do you think?
Class Action
Avoid this site.
Off season visitor
Is a laptop considered a desktop?
First one of these showed up today.
I have no idea what I’m doing
Driving safe is impossible now
Can you help me or tell me why?
How will the fires affect the Monarch population West of the rockies and has it yet?
Frank Zappa, Gail Zappa, Jimi Hendrix & his friend Mr. Paul Caruso - Apostolic Studios, New York, July 18, 1967 - 📷 by Jerry Schatzberg - used for the "We're Only in it for the Money" Zappa album
On January 8th, 1949, Guitarist Bill Harkleroad, known professionally as Zoot Horn Rollo was born in Palmdale, CA. Mister Zoot Horn Rollo, hit that long lunar note, And let it float.
Only half my IT department recognized this. Do you know what it is, and how it works?
Canada isn’t fucking around - Open invitation to become their 11th province
Canada isn’t fucking around
Neal Cassady and family. Photo by Allen Ginsberg, 1965.
Who is this guy and what's he doing out in January? LA, CA.