We all know it, but this makes it real
Helsreach or Broken Crusade?
What a boss arena !
Karl Kopinski's Death Korps Artwork is an Classic but i could never figure out what the Reaver has in it's left Hand. Is it an Quad Laser, a Double Melta, a weird Plasma or something entirely different ?
Do you guys think all HEMA practitioners must compete in tournaments?
If there had been 'Thunder Warriors' in the I Legion as well...
is this any rare?
Just found out :3
[Chalice:kecz Layer 2] [lv:116] [Pw:Honk]
Man thinks Prof. Brian Cox & Neil deGrasse Tyson are paid actors & Dinosaurs weren't real, amongst other things.
Cold Steel Italian Longsword Disassembly
Seeing one with a hat always throws me for a loop.
Bloodborne base game sucks
I served, now what?
Uhh...where am i?
Prospectin', how many tombs you got going at once?
What is a "mass-reactive" bolt round?
Shadow of Yharnam? Is this rare?
I feel there's a very loud minority in the community that puts way too much emphasis on chalice dungeons. I'm pretty sure the majority of the playerbase doesn't really bother with them because they're grindy filler content.
Should I put this guy out of his misery
Is it bad use a guide?
This... this isnt warhammer.
Where can I find her?
After being struck multiple times by Ukraine's 2nd Battalion, 5th Assault Brigade, a russian invader pulled a grenade pin and committed suicide
How Horrifying Are the Emperor’s Children to a Space Marine?