TurboX was parked across from my at the grocery store
Saab friends!
Local saab repair shop
My first NY Strip
How's the money shot
Is this medium rare or rare?
What your husky's favorite food? My boy loves ANYTHING cheese from cheeze-its to pizza to queso!
How much power can the stock 9-3 viggen 5 speed manual transmission handle?
Husky Mix DNA results
Thank you to all who have posted tips!
something real old… i’ve got no clue
What’s your opinion on Fresca?
It's 1994, you've recently retired, and you're looking for a big, comfortable new sedan. Your budget is $32,000, which one would you pick?
At what point do these start becoming a good deal? This is crazy.
Best/favourite Saab model and year?
Colorful Fallout is better. 🌈
Which fallout wasteland do you live closest to?
My 2019 Buick Tourx
Friday Night Shrimpin’
What’s a car/powertrain or car part that was produced for an incredibly long time?
Car brands you guys hate?
I get why they're not in the games, but in reality, the wasteland would be filled with vehicles.
Houlas be shrimpin
Stay Humble
Saturn Astra, the official car of...