Castlevania: Come iniziare?
New Meta Store Refresh on v74 not only uses AI-Gen Icons, but also literally just has a stolen clip art AI-regurgitated version of the Octane from Rocket League. This software update is a disaster.
Qual'è lo scopo della vostra vita?
Downtown Club update 1.1.0 BETA is now live!
Into Black Update 1.5 is now LIVE!
Meta Quest remains the platform of choice for VR developers
DLC wishlist
Astro Papercraft
Game recommendations for 40 dad
What is everyone’s favourite VR game at the moment?
I just beat the game
EPYKA out NOW! Release trailer
Qual è stato il dolore fisico più insopportabile nella vostra vita?
Duell. Would you play a game with such minimalistic aproach oriented towards the hand drawn frame by frame animation?
Porting Flat games to VR requires a a lot more changes than one might think. Our first Flat2VR port Trombone Champ: Unflattened is just the beginning 🎶
Dear junior developers, please stop uploading Gorilla Tag clones to the Meta Horizon Store
Sales are almost over: what are the best deals?
If Silksong comes out in 2026, I will buy everyone that comments in here the game AND the platform they play it on
"VR Horror Stories" wishes you all a Happy New Year!
I've had a number of requests to add guns to Stabby, so I finally caved and put them in the latest update
The Penguin's Top 10 best games of the year.. Plus extras.. Lets do this.
what's a movie you've rewatched a hundred times and still love?
Breachers or Underdogs?
È un mesetto che esco con un gruppo di sole ragazze
New Wacom Cintiq Pro 24 on a VINTAGE Cintiq stand