Grade 2 non fusion/disc replacements eligibility
Don’t ever feel silly doing light weight in the gym
PT for spondylolisthesis with pars defect l5
When isn’t “too young”?
Need to find similar dupe
New Imaging, upgraded from 1-2
Any glute exercise causes mini flare up
Why is Suzanne Collins so focused on District 12?
Workout Help
Please be kind I know they’re ugly and I hate them too.
rob seems abusive
Returning to gym
reversing nerve pain ?
Next chapter in my spondy journey
Constant tightness in this area, made worse when I bend down... Affecting my quality of life :( anything I can do to fix it? I tried to circle the worst part
r/arcticmonkeys favorite non AM albums Day 1
Recovery takes TIME
I’m an enlightened H3 centrist
PLEASE, DAN, see this🙏🙏
What mindset helped you bounce back after injury?
Why does the Hunger Games hit so much harder than other recent dystopian books and films?
Doing research on what modality has helped people the most?
You will heal <3
logan doing a lunchly ad during his wifes birth