Anyone else desperately want their main in Smite 2 but know it ain't gonna happen because about 6 people played them?
Slow asf compared to some of you demons but this is the most individual dash kills I've ever chained together so I'm pretty proud of it
First day on BP, ik it's only qp but it felt so good to shut down this shit talker
Big respect to Adam for rezzing just to run it back
I just wanna learn Mantis, like damn😭🙏
Got my pockets emptied of my elo
The admin of the server has arrived
Hela did apologise after, but still, pain.
Never focused ranked enough to even get above plat in most other games, but after 216 games I finally got this!
What marvel rivals opinion will have you like this?
Me when someone says they're "stuck" on gold
As someone who mains a character that can’t fly, Jeff’s ult is a crime against humanity
Messed up the follow up but still a good spot for a sneaky ult
New strange tech?
Works in OW, Works in Rivals
If you're gonna back me into a corner you better be prepared to get jumped by squirrels
S14 Sombra Mythic
Now you understand why they remain hidden in the leaves
Community voted attractiveness rating.
I do, in fact, hit that sleep
Keep waiting till December for season 14
Sloppy primal but I'm really happy with this last second point touch to win my rank up
I have watched videos, but I'd like to know some of your guy's play style, opinions, etc. Please
Big slam?
POV: Silver Lucio watches too much Frogger