Aquarius Vibes
What is it like dating a Virgo
If the person you hate the most were to experience one slight inconvenience every day for the rest of their lives, what would you choose it to be?
Dumpees, would you take your ex back if they wanted to come back after dumping you?
Serena haters: when was the moment you began to hate her?
My boyfriend 31M cheated on me 25F with his ex multiple times, how do I get over this?
Today’s my 28 birthday and I am going to end it tomorrow
AIO to be suspicious my husband is cheating???
What made you realize your ex wasn’t really that great?
My 28M bf left me beacuse I 20F didn’t bleed
Is my (24F) boyfriend (26M) overreacting because i hid my sex toy?
which sign is this?
First ever breakup. I feel like I’m dying
I have slept with 17 women since my breakup last February.
I Will Never Date an Anxiously Attached Person Again
I don't have any positive emotions towards my child
My(21f) guy friend (21m) kinda scares me
give me your big 3 and ill give you one word that describe you best
Don’t go back
AITA for telling my husband’s friend to stop calling me by his ex-wife’s name?
Is it better to tell them how horrible they are or to say nothing at all?
You Deserve
My boyfriend bought concert tickets for him and his girl friend
What's something from your Childhood you deeply miss?
As a march Pisces guy… is it possible to make it work with an August Virgo girl?