My wife took issue with me wanting to get Civ VII
KCD2 just became no1 on Steam Global Top Selling list excluding f2p
how safe is kinguin to buy from ?
maybe maybe maybe
KCDII Is in the Top 5 in the US
KCD2 RAM requirements
Being a game critic who handed in for his review for the next 24 hours
who is this character from the new trailer? A new character?
How will I receive the pre order bonus from kcd2 gold edition disk
Do you guys think KCD2 will be harder or easier than KCD
Curious if I should go back and complete my playthrough of KCD1 before 2 is released. Is the main quest "Questions and Answers" fairly deep into the game?
Can someone help me determine if I can run KCD2 on my pc or if I should just get it on ps5 instead?
Timeline History of KCD
PC specs - how screwed am I?
30 hours into KCD1, should I leave it and wait for KCD2?
Can anyone speak to combat in KCD 2?
Suspicious about Radzig
KCD II Controller Support
KCD on an 11 hour flight. Jesus Christ be praised.
Horse Teleporting
I've been playing Civ since Civ II. This is the first title I'm waiting for a sale on. Even in Australia this is ridiculous.
What should I play KCD2 on?
Can anyone help me decide to get 2 on pc or ps5 pro?