Crashdance22 intro
What is your favorite vehicle in terms of visuals at CNK?
What are your thoughts on Crash Bandicoot On the Run's character designs?
What is your opinion on Chick and Stew?
Does Crash Bandicoot have any character like this???
Does UNDERTALE has any character like this???
I like Crash Bash
My dumbass Walked into this place and said Uka Uka, Something's wrong with me
If this Crash animated series hadn't been cancelled, what episode ideas would you have for it?
Can we all agree that CTR Dingo Dile has one of the greatest voice actors?
Why has Jess harnell been replaced?
Redesigned the crash 4 plushie from headstart
If a Crash Bandicoot movie is ever made but to be honest like who would voice the characters such as Crash ?
Why he look so menacing here..
Can you Name Something you liked in Crash 4 It’s about Time?
Character Birth Month
You're his lawyer,defend him
Where's the iguana boss fight Cortex?
What do you think of this one? It's a character one.
What unique moves you give to Coco to make her different from Crash?
Anyone miss Crash On The Run?
What are some of your favourite memories with Crash on the run? If not any, what is your stance on the game?
Which discarded Crash concept or game do you think deserved a second chance?
What are you thoughs on Wrath of Cortex?
Do you think Hugh Jackman would fit the role of Crash Bandicoot considering that they’re both Australian?
What were your thoughts on Crash on the Run?