They don’t even try with these new titles😭😭😭😭
This better not mean sabo is coming💔
This is a stick up give me your opbr meme
When u the only runner and literally die so ur team gets mid but our kuzan is still charging A flag
How I survived kamusari rush
How do people let this happen
Tashigi’s got to be Kuina, or a twin sister, or something
They'll remember their Yamatos and give them ice ball nullification but ignore WB,what a joke🤡
the superior green character NEEDS his buffs
This community has 2 3rd ex predictions
Oda I swear if this is what I fear it is
History might be repeating itself
How does luffy now about Bell-mere?
First time reading wano and holy shit the glaze is real
Wouldn't really call it a complete gender-bend.. but Ive done some cunt-ification ;) [screenshot->edit 1 ->edit 2]
This might be the most sorry excuse of a banner that I have ever seen from this game
Combo and Slowmos are annoying in Boss CB
Who is this?
First time reaching RDs limit! 💪
One hair of being the best runner counter to Kuzan
Name some characters who are built like this
Hope this stage gets released soon in the game!
Im curious to why they gave bots garp and lucci in B league
The masculine urge to dump all my frags into Ulti and go back to my glory days
name a character that you want in game but it might never come