saying she needs to look good because other influencers will be at the event after mentioning her ex will be there (HJ) 🥴
Feeding formula because they want them asleep longer
2am Wingstop order
Saggy baggies
*Someone on this page posts about how Fran can’t commit to ANYTHING*
More overconsumption
naps after a full sleep
I sat through Jesse eating banana pudding so you don’t have to
Jesse: “there’s a toll”
Her rant about someone saying she neglects the babies
L starts crying, Jesse needs help, Fran just moves to a different room
Fran is losing it, lol. 0 maternal instinct or genuine care for “these babies” :(
How much soap are you going through a week? My husband is annoyed by how much soap I’m using
F &J want to make a baby company 😂
"grapes, and one day they can be wine, you gonna try that one day"
I cannot imagine calling the precious time spent with my newborn traumatic. I would do anything to go back to those days. So freaking weird.
Crusty musty hands
Does the yellow line on the diaper mean its full?
Thought it was a dream?? I don’t usually need red bulls when I’m “ sleeping” ahha she claims her and Jesse slept. She’s such a liar.
“Not that I sleep”
Can’t pee because of pocket !
I think Eden quit this morning
All garer!
Okay,last post today,maybe