8000/8000 but didn’t give me legendary lol (bonus ginger cat pic)
Why do you use the class you use?
Top 25 Greatest MCU Villains: From 1-25. Who's the No. 9 MCU Villain of All Time?
Presuming I have terrible luck and need to win every item first, how many CP would the Grau cost? I’ve never gotten a mythic before and I *need* to have this little snake bro
How do you view your past relationships? do you still think about your ex sometimes?
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What BR Symbol is this?
Top 25 Greatest MCU Villains: From 1-25. Who's the No. 5 MCU Villain of All Time?
Questions about mythic upgrades
What are you saving your COD points for?
Three is too crowded, kicks one out.
Found this on aliexpres and thought it’d be funny to post here
You are going in Shipment for some camo grinding, but then the enemies have different plan for you
How to pick up a duck
Is the m4 good?
Got the character with 1 cp voucher
Another dumb question, but how come I can’t see my old avatars? (Returned after not playing since 2020)
Reaction Youtubers are awful
Every Second Counts
I (31M) found out that my girlfriend (27F) of a year and a half sleeps with guys for money
I’ll rate your favourite CODM gun
Thought I found someone to nerd out with. I was wrong.
Nadja hanging out on my tattoo of Lilith 🕷️🖤