People need to hear this about leaving a job
Free Rock Tumbler at corner of N st and 17th at
Newnan dart
Looking for Camera recommendation for YouTube videos geared towards crafts and outdoors content
Is this a good deal? Seems almost too cheap so I'm a little suspicious
I got this in a trade for some chert I bought but didn't like. Guy has no idea where it came from.
Two from today
Creators With 100K+ Subs, What Are Your Monthly Earnings?
SAAS: looking for demo and closing advice
Sweetwater Biface Cast
Anyone else see a Clovis in this video?
What animal is this?
A few people suggested I come here and say hello 😊
Should I transition to Long Form content?
Just finished restoring a Vespa P125 with my father in law.
How do YouTube channels like “Midwest Safety” access sensitive police footage?
Red Jasper Scallorn
Flake Points - Unsure of Material
Looking to pick up bubble wrap, packing peanuts, MISC packing materials
Ancient Obsidian debitage at a quarry site.
Rhyolite (New Hampshire creek stone) blowgun mouse hunt (Tim wells slockmaster)
Found in Illinois
Person spraying bug killer on fruits vegetables and chicken in a Walmart
Anyone here gotten 100+ million views on a single short?
Does any one have any materials (I'm in England)?