How to approach a girl at the gym?
What makes you heal or feel better that you wish girls knew?
Are boys really that terrible at texting?
As a teenage boy, where do you stand politically?
Lads, what’s the most commonly found ick you have in girls?
Can you recommend a book for me to read?
Why do teen boys treat ugly girls so horrible?
what's running through a guy's head when i compliment his outfit and he looks at me with a blank expression and says "thanks" in a flat tone?
What is the best compliment you've ever gotten?
If A Girl Makes The First Move, Are Guys More Likely To Date Her?
Boys with female partners, do you get grossed out by periods?
Why do teen boys obsess over trump?
Why do boys hit on girls unprovoked?
What is the funniest caption for this scene
What’s something cute that girls do?
The Barbie movie was hot garbage.
Screw sex questions, how do you like your toast?
Is there a connection?
Type the following phrase with your sight organ (both) closed
What would you remove from school?
Do you think your ever be in a relationship?
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This is subreddit is very offensive
How do you view your sister?