What case has the most interesting evidence photos?
Anyone here and can chat?
You can only add 2 ingredients for a meal.
Physically addicted and just found out I’m pregnant.
Physically dependent and just found out I’m pregnant.
25dpo, line progression from 10dpo-25dpo FRER (dark pink caps), Clearblue, E@H, Wondfo, Pregmate, cycle day unknown
Question about tapering down
Out of all the people that’ contacted you, how many would you say never seem to want to read your description first?
What is a weird smell to others that you actually like?
Has anyone figured out how to get rid of broken capillaries permanently?
Chimpanzees are 2X stronger than your average human.
Lowball Offers
What do you do instead of consuming makeup content?
I can now rate buyers without a sale!?
Do “listing saves” mean anything?
What scam is this?
Is this still available?
[before&after] 5 months on 0.025% tret
5 months on tret .025%
June (month 1) vs November (month 5)
Does anyone know of a strains of kratom that help you sleep? I get maybe 2 hours of sleep a night. Sometimes i just lay awake in horrid pain all night..
Why is this allowed?
Something about these listings seems off to me, not sure what it is…
Buyers who offer way below asking price, how often does this work for you?
Which is the best cancelled show you've watched?