Did Cairngorm slay in this scene?
opinions about this project called "HeartStrings: A Yandere Story"? i haven't seen any discussion about it and i'm pretty curious
can we stop with the 'diddydev' jokes??
does yandev actually research japan
is it okay for cats to drink hot spring/thermal water?
Sergei von Kifli úrfi (3 szósz hosszú, de már fél kiló)
A Flash game where you play as a ladybug and collect cherries/apples
[PC-Flash Game][2000-2010] Puzzle/Platformer where you play as a Ladybug, collecting raspberries. If you run into other bugs they would eat you. (+drawing from memory included)
In this scenario, would you have made the same choice?
Take your seat
Since everybody's in such an outrage about skincolor, here's purple cyno
[TOMT] [CREEPYPASTA] [late 2000s] Short story about a boy unknowingly living in a cannibal town with his family. At the end his parents butcher his little brother and eat his flesh.
New pyro archon art by hxg
What is a skin YOU think gets too much hate?
Pick four collabs for Fortnitemares
Karmolász házának története😊
Who is the most attractive male?
What character has the worst death in terms of writing?
What is your final rating for the manga?
What's the most expensive item in Fortnite you regret buying?
this is definitely one of things that pissed me off the most in the ending💀
What are your wishes for next season, now that it's only 4 days away?
If you don't carry these, you're in huuuge trouble. The most underrated item in Fortnite.
(Complete) Fanart!!! (pt.2 of last post) Slightly different looking Phos