I drank again after 3.5 years sober and I just want to die
How many movies have you watched already this year?
How to stop cat from eating things outside?
What's your pick for movie of the decade so far?
Ladies, what's the recurring thought that makes you start to realize you're about to go hormonally crazy again?
Tips for staying out late?
I want to start reading books.
drop your favorite Lana love songs 🫶🏼🫶🏼
I’m eating ALL the chocolate and it’s starting to worry me.
Need a place to scream
Tell me! (Your favourite lines from Once More With Feeling)
2 years sober. Thank you. (Tw: suicide)
300 days in 30 minutes
Bereaved by suicide - not attending boxing day event
My behaviour is obscene
Is anyone else extremely emotional and hormonal before ovulation?
smear test
What was the tipping point that got you to stop?
Im over it
You can only listen to 5 Lana songs for the rest of your life, what are you choosing?
I feel like I'm lying about my disorder
Make-up Ladies, help a man out. Please
How long is nick grimshaw on 6 for?
anyone super bummed they cant afford tickets 😕
Wtf are the prices?