I just need to complain/rant for a minute.
I really want a peppermint mocha
Pp bleeding
Yogurt for breakfast, yay or nay?
Has anyone had a successful induction of TOLAC/VBAC at 39 weeks with GDM?
In my feels about not seeing results from overnight insulin in my fasting numbers
20 week anatomy scan - radiologist wants me to come back?
Those with ADHD kids
Keeping supply up on period
The shield is gone! Hallelujah
Exclusively pumped for 2 days and kudos to those moms who do it exclusively
When does the sex drive come back?
Do I really need nursing bras?
Boob slaps
Lump on top of breast?
Vomiting in labor?
Envy from a nipple shield-using and flat nippled FTM
Why would I skip the anatomy scan?
Low Fasting at 37 weeks?
Please tell me: When were you diagnosed with ADHD and were you better off after knowing or was your life made harder by knowing?
Cheese omelette spike to 140??
How many snacks to get?
NST preparations and suggestions!?!?