So they were lying to you, girl(
Can someone tell me what board and set this is
New class and race ideas (new player, 5e)
roman kebap
Failed my online interview (i think) 😔
What would be eating my October glory maple (acer rubrum)
Need user flair help
Transition lenses incredibly weak
This McDonald’s only sells soft serves, in Turkey
Does anyone remember this on Channel 2 (ABC)
Man reading Quran at Hagia Sophia in Istanbul
Wait for new release?
Text between me and my sister
Pic I took of my friends car
Pic I took of my friends cat
Remember this
Just put my order in 🎉
Anybody recognize this type of behavior? My vets and I are at a loss:/
Could this be close to a 10?
Naps in Oura
Customer Support gifted me a WR item
I'm going to miss this cheap gas next year.
Currently printing a 1:1 scale F1 front wing
My resting heart rate was so high last night it’s off the chart