Leaving behind world music, what are we listening to?
Hair dying when pregnant
Dog kicked stomach
Partner does want to announce..
Cold sores and babies
I don’t know how to tell my sister I’m pregnant
Baptized again?
Please help me poop
How early did your vomiting start?
What is the material that you hate the feel of the most?
How often did you use a pram in the first 6 months?
Why should I want my baby?
Places to move to with a young family in North Lancashire?
Freezing breast milk?
What equipment do I need to breastfeed?
Classic BadgerNotes fueling my anxiety
I was wondering how many women there are in the group who were called “gifted” as children but later were diagnosed autistic
What careers are good for women with autism?
What prenatal are you all taking?
How many hours are you guys actually sleeping at night ?
When did you first feel flutters?
Good places to live with a young family
Are you early or late diagnosed?