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Need help with hotkeys issue. New player here.
You still can spam/click the team emblem for the in-game cheers.
Budget ogre magi went to TI 🤭🤭🤭 Pos5 but attempts to build carry, rushes midas, gives you no bloodlust, feeds, ends with only 3000 net worth, and finishes 0-15-1.
Multiple Streaming in Twitch.
Weekly bonus chest bug
The Primal Beast Update - Bugs Megathread
Disconnect bug
Client instantly crashes after load in a game.
My Dota Keep Crushing Every Min
Stupid ideas you have had for dota that will never be in the game
Dotacinema's Workshop Submission - Harbinger of the Elder Wyrms
When are we getting all the stretch goals of Starladder 10 ticket ?