Is there a photography/hiking group/club in Madison?
Great Star Trek novels?
Older DSLR to learn with? How old is too old?
There is nothing worse than the pop culture stereotype of James T. Kirk...
Star Trek IV The Undiscovered Country - Change my Mind
Any good alternatives to Lightroom yet?
Any fans of Babylon 5? After watching all of Stargate a few times, I needed my nightly sci fi fix! and I must say, this show delivered!
DT5: Differences to 4 and book
Darktable 5.0 Released!
Lightroom Alternatives?
Mask help
Open Source Lightroom Alternatives
Free software alternative for Adobe Lightroom?
Radrunner plus accessories
I'm confused about "765874 - Unification" (short film). No hate, but what is the point?
The new unification Roddenberry archive short film about kirk
Unification short film from the Roddenberry Archive
Editing workflow
Can someone explain CPL filters to me like I'm five? Why is it creating this sort of uneven sky colour?
Masking and exposure
Landscape not sharp enough… pixel peeping or missed focus?
I want to use Obsidian to get away from OneNote but I have no idea how to sync my devices.
First Time Camera Buyer?
Christine McVie/Tango in the Night Appreciation Post
What is the Chili Peppers funkiest song?