Small white piece I believe to be a component of the fridge
Does anyone have any Hitch-like strategies or advice for responding to statements like “a feeling alone from the heart is as good as evidence” or “there is no evidence for God because God stands above and beyond the test of evidence”?
How’s this flame sensor?
Shutting off? Nest says it’s running but it isn’t?
Daily Questions Thread - Ask All Your Magic Related Questions Here!
How did long win? Don’t understand ending
Koran burner murdered in Sweden
I just pulled this and it seems crazy???
getting a 600k + 400k mortgage instead of one 1M dollar mortgage?
Vacationing in Cayman Islands in December 2024, recommendations ?
How can I complete this??
boomer iphone user
Never seen this video before. C span 1996 w/Alexander Hitchens
What random card’s art is forever burned into your memory?
Which is the darkest, obscure and almost forbidden book in existence?
The Cut List - Time To Let Go Fantasy Football Week 11
What do you reckon Hitchens would have thought and said about the re-elected leader of the free world simulating oral sex with a microphone? Not sure if he’d find it funny or not.
PSA: Stop buying the Costco gold bars with cash!!
I made a website with every Christopher Hitchens' book recommendations. What I am missing?
Will Mint ever return?
What tax bracket is high for you to use ROTH?
Stain it or?
Longshot, but does anybody recognize what toy this comes from?
Does there (could there) exist a comprehensive video archive of Hitchens?