A cracker.
Will you just take it easy? Man?
UPS Store employee fired, records himself flipping out
I didn’t rent it shoes. I’m not buying it a fucking beer.
I got these in Dec 2021. Worn for over 4 years. I scrubbed them clean a few times. Great shoes, RIP
if Alan Watts lived in current timeline:
When they respond to your application 2 months later
Cursive. Yes or No
My first attempt, couldn't sink the hook
Ok a follow up to the RFK post for anyone interested … COSTCO
Is this the issue Knox Harrington has?
My little hangout shed
It's like what Lenin said... you look for the person who will benefit, and, uh, uh... I am the walrus. You know what I'm trying to say... That f***ing b*tch... I am the walrus. Shut the f*** up, Donny! V.I. Lenin. Vladimir Illanich Uleninov
Always named myself this in games, didn’t realise it’d haunt me like this for this one..
Embarrased to admit this…
Yeah ok, Pierre 🙄
This must’ve been posted here before
What kind of music is this?
Barn find, in the attic.
The dog guitarist exists
The guitarist dog does exist
Found this in a pair of pants at the thrift
You knew when you heard this shit on your TV shit just got 10000x more real
Found myself a nice used ps3 AND mgs 4 at GameStop
Definitely not one of their most modestly priced receptacles
What on the earth is happening
Revived knife day
You knew this kid.