What are your guys’ thoughts on my Undertale bed?
So my palwold world is getting "corrupted" i think: so the game needs 3 or 4 reboots to open and my (600 days) world keeps crashing and not saving things( it alredy deleted the map) what can i do? ( I play on xbox)
Looks for more Palworld friends on Console🥺
How long did this take? 300+ solo robot kills,10 full raids,20 snake kills
Over 4 hours later still can’t install the update on Xbox.
H: H: ability to mod GP or craft GP with accelerated, stinging/large core, and calibrated W: 50 leaders each, 4 star mods, or fas mask
H: caps W: lvl 50 gat plas with accelerated and stinging
H: uny +2P secret agent civil right leg W: offers
H: 30k, fiend, hag, loon, 4* encircler's box W: overeater, arms keeper, or conductors
Just need one more arm and leg and I'll have a complete set, just need good mods for it
Pa vanished while modifying
Happy Thanksgiving
W: Winterman Mask
How do I beat this fu*king guy he has taken me way too long
Turkulon not giving rewards?
Any good at low lvl?
H: fiend, hag, loon, winterman, caps W: green skiing outfit, asylum Forrest or red, winter jacket and jeans, scout masks
Worst farming failure? Mine is trying to get the Rebound from the Psychoreaver.
H: 19 deathclaw hands for those who can't find any W: to help those who want the bloody mod
H: vanguard, vamp, rapid, strength, secret agent W: quad or explosive
H: bloody mod W: quad or explosive mod
H: legendary mods W: other mods or cap offers
Legendary scrapping works
H: glowing robot, loon×2, fiend×2, hag, winterman, raven W: glowing uni, glowing turkey, glowing alien, gliwing bd