We need Silat in Tekken! 🔥🔥
You guys excited?
How is Lili strong?
What is your opinion your country's performance in the last World Cup?
Introducing Valorant’s new agent Waylay
How do curly haired people detangle their hair?
Her clothes shouldnt be dirty? Or with mold?
What did your civil war look like?
O que vocês acham do Carnaval em Aruba e Curaçao no Caribe?
BaianaSystem é a ponta da lança da música nacional
The next Tekken DLC is tie with new stage so it might be the new T8 original character, which Martial Art & Nationality you want to see?
What would be a culunary speciality from your country that would be always enjoyed by an expatriate?
To me if Anna could need to change her looks I guarantee that there's no criticizes will be happen if they needed to redesign her that wasn't stretch far on her older designs even her hairstyle they changed it. Coz I've just imagined about Heihachi, Bryan, Lidia if their new costume got criticized
Trump levanta a voz, bate boca com Zelensky e chama presidente ucraniano de 'desrespeitoso' com os EUA
Qual é a desse gaslighting de Angolanos em comentários de vídeos sobre o Brasil?
What is something an Argentinian would never say?
How come I only see women in the fat acceptance movement but almost never see men in it?
I just want to know. Well many fans loved her new looks others doesn't like her new look but I just want to know if some of people doesn't like Nina's current looks or you loved it and if (Nina's new looks got a criticizes before) Btw I love Nina's new looks.
Can we develop the story further than what we have, it's trash
Friendly Date Ideas
Por que sempre romantizam a época do Brasil império?
Filha de Roberto Jefferson divulga consultoria para quem quer pedir asilo nos EUA: 'Se você é de direita como eu'
What's the actual history of Sub-Saharan Africa?
Are there any dishes that are indisputably from a specific place in your country?
Which grappler should be added in Season 3?