Who dose this remind you of?
And so it begins...
And so it begins....
Did you know you can use currency to upgrade strongboxes?
Top result on Google is a cloned site scamming people. Real site not even listed.
She detects smelly people
I'm exploring ideas on how to make Strongboxes more fun! GAMBA-TIME maybe?
This will be the biggest rug. The best rug. The most beautiful rug. There's never been any rug like this rug before.
22.1 Upgrade instructions page is live!
Started using Linux Mint on my laptop a few weeks ago, should I get this?
Premium version preview
Coming soon to shop
My previous stash tab meme was removed due to high number of reports. Elon you mad? To that I bring you another preview - this time for the Premium version.
I Can't Unsee it
Linux Mint 22.1 approved for official release!!!!!
Should I remove QRedShift before updating to 22.1?
I’m new and I have some problems
More retro customization
Rate my set up
What is happening to my monitor?
It took me about 40 minutes to install spotify on Linux Mint as a lifelong Windows user. Turns out, the memes were accurate all along
A little comedy for your morning
i just customized my pc rate it 1 to 10