After hours of work and patience, my cheap Chinese Legos are done
Digital boarding pass
Our Christmas crew of EIGHT
Would u say this is Medium or Medium Rare?
Mission cadance
Anyone on this cruise 😅
Ordered takeout from the lowest rated wing place in my area
I’ve been informed I must report Noma as illegally smol
My first bad experience
Build in progress ( slow !! )
Saw this driving and thought yall might get a laugh
I got permission of my mum and my brother to post this.
You Won't Believe What I Found in a Uranium Mine!
Why did I get aid for my first school (SDI) but going to another school I need a GED
Took my daughter to see SG-1 this weekend. She was scared for the picture so Teryl and Lexa both held her hand.
Why mgs games exist in mgs universe ?
Wife found this masterpiece on FB
Da queen of queens working hard in DC
Trigger pin walking out advice
My AEG build
15rnd Glock mags?
Name my cat unserious names 🙏 Female Tux
Used Cars (1980)
2015 Lancer SE Swap AC Controls
Adelaide is all “grown up” at 1 year old and only 4.7 pounds