Not seeing any lies here...
Saw this in Keller of 377, these people need to keep their sky daddy at home and not try to indoctrinate in public schooling. If they want to teach their superstitions they need to teach it in their own schools
Having a child later in life pros and cons?
Looking at buying land for a lease.
Looking to move to WV
Moving To Massachusetts Question Megathread (December 2024)
It’s coming
Fort Worth officer Matthew Krueger fired for slamming 60-year-old woman on pavement knocking her unconscious, she was recording police.
I'm a kid I need an opinion on my parents
Why won’t he marry me
Texan Moving to Kentucky in Jan - Tips for Driving in Winter?
17, Most likely going to be aging out of the foster care system and need 'to get my stuff together.'
Adult daughter lost her job, had to move home, stays in her room all day/night.
This should be ILLEGAL!
I want to die
They Did Us Kinda Dirty:
Eating out
New to the sub and feeling pretty hopeless...
1/2 Rant with a side of request for help.
How do i get coal
What's stopping someone from spending a few thousand dollars and claiming huge sections of zones?
Delta’s New Fare Categories 🤦
What's everyone's experience with the PVP event over the last week?
Advice for a new player
Delta has upped their meal game!