Please help me with the pricing.
How Often Does P5R go on sale on Playstation Store?
I've never seen any Persona games. Should I buy Persona 5 Royal?
Every Persona game released physically on the Switch
Ich beichte, dass ich immer das größte Fach an der Packstation nehme, obwohl mein Paket winzig ist
Umsatzsteuer Voranmeldung als Kleinunternehmer mit Umsatzsteuer-ID?
Custom scam
I missed out on the Analogue 3D Pre-Orders. Am I screwed?
Wie lange dauerte eure Gewerbeanmeldung?
Which of these 3 would you keep?
Kreditkarte - Bin ich gut aufgestellt?
Not the rarest game, but I just love the cover, also found a load of cool I thought I’d sold bits in an old cupboard.
3ds vs SteamDeck
Do I just get it and it has all the games already?
A LEGO GameBoy Set Is Coming In October 2025
Playing Anologue Pocket on the Metro
I've fuckin beaten it!!!
Should I get a portal can't afford ps5
Got myself a Japanese 2DS and turned it into the ultimate Pokémon machine!
Is a new handheld coming?
Packstation-Fach war nicht leer - Wie kann das passiert sein?
If silksong comes out, I will buy it for everyone that comments
Is €110 for a PSVita 1000 justified?
The mods deleting someone's post summarizing a 2000 person tournament when we have floods of low effort whining/godpack posts speaks to the quality of this sub
Are many of you using the portal without being wired?