Best Boss for domain shard?
I don't even know what to do with these anymore
is subnautica below zero really that bad? i'm really new at playing, and i heard that subnautica below zero is okay for starters, what you do think guys?
Comment Your Favorite Mantra
What’s the fastest leveling method ?
Guys Help
is just karita or way of navae more worth it
My brother gave me this for my birthday 😂 What should I name it? 🤣
How does scarlet lotus work?
Should I get subnautica or subnautica below zero?
What will it be?
This was a cracked mobile run, but I had 52 lucky kings and yet I had NO MONEY TRIGGERS THE ENTIRE GAME. Anyone know why? Was I just severely unlucky? Seed is YUSQZJ5H and has some crazy early Jokers (Yorick and Perkeo in one run + Blue/Storm combo)
Our opinions on him?
Willpower not unbounded?
Whats so difficult about these broodlords?
does contractor progress work on friends?
Any way to get more light hook time?
Which oaths would you skip progressing?
what kind of situation are you even supposed to take this in? the downside seems too harsh
I'm TERRIBLE at this game, but I want to beat nightmare king grimm so bad!!!! This is my best attempt yet, do you guys have any tips i've been fighting him for an hour atp 😭
do yg ship ur slots or is it just me
Medical brew recipe didnt work or im put wrong recipe?
fuck this community
How does ice skate work?
What does upgrading mantras do?