How interested are you in Missing Link’s STORY?
Tell your favourite video game stories
Red dragon on hard mode, crimson breath bug?
[WW] Which Zelda Game Have You Sunk the Most Hours Into? (mine WW)
After 'Failing to Meet Expectations' at Launch, Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth Shoots to No.3 in U.S. Charts With Steam Debut
What would DLC look like for rebirth if it was up to you?
best mod just dropped
Protoclone, the world's first bipedal, musculoskeletal android.
Is Ubisoft finished if this game doesn’t succeed?
What is your top five games? I’ll go first.
This f*cking scared me
(War Thunder) Boeing B-29 Super Fortress nuke bomber
Be Honest: Did Anyone Use Summons?
Which version of Advent Children should I buy?
What’s the best thing that came out of Kingdom Hearts for you?
I wish they updated the avatars more frequently, which one do you use?
If this game had DLC, what would it be like?
How should I prepare for chapter 13 and 14 on hard-mode?
So this was uh, really hard to do
Trump responds to critics who say Musk is in charge
RIP mijn inbox 🥪
Iedereen vindt Tosti maar een stomme naam voor een kat en ik wil bewijzen dat het erger kan! DUS! Wat is de stomste kattennaam die je al voorbij hebt zien komen?
Do your parents play videogames?
Day 5 of mancave build
Ideale leeftijd om kinderen te krijgen?