Eat your greens so your shell grows big and strong!
Anyway to sex by feathers ?
Is this Armadillidium vulgare pregnant?
Anyone in the Fort Worth TX area selling dairy cows?
Isopods munching away!
Isopods eatting some raw oatmeal. (They loved it!)
Munchverts! A sub for posting your creatures munching!
What you can post.
New morph or molting
Interested in selective breeding and husbandry
Bought Yukon valley thinking the spawns would be like this
I cant figure out what gender this jumper is.
What is he preaching about 🤔
How do I know if my baby jumping spiders have reached i*2 molt?
Recommendations for New Isopods?
R/teenagers sing final count down.
The world is ending and you have one last song to play
Is this mold? inside my fruit fly feeder container a problem
Enclosure size?
Quail/Pigeon Questions
What are these in my bfs springtails?