I need to sell my PC to support my mom and my heart hurts :(
Plat 4 Kiriko VOD Review Request
Love this trend
I love orange
OW and OW2 lighting comparison + colosseo and new queen street
I love oranges
Ukrainian president vows Russia will only take Kyiv if invaders 'raze it to the ground' as fighting rages around capital
Zelenskyy criticizes NATO for refusing to impose no-fly zone over Ukraine
Updates from President Zelenskiy. [With English subtitles]
Half your vassals after you've had a trinket for a generation or two
[RF] Nailah, Tabaxi War Cleric of Bastet
solokilling fed sylas and 'stealing' baron to win a close game (plat flex)
[RF] Tox Vragg, Paladin/Bounty Hunter
[LFA] Tox Vragg - Fox, Paladin/Bounty Hunter. A member of House Lancaster who hunts those contracted by his church.
Satsuki Pinup [Kill la Kill] (LemonicBreadFetishAr)
Ryuko Pinup [Kill la Kill] (LemonicBreadFetishAr)
[WIP] Random Character/NPC generator
Elven Goddess
Who plays in a different setting?
[LFA] Rolen - Human Mage Specializing in Air Based Magic
[RF] Rolen - Human Mage Specializing in Air Based Magic
Evangelyne is not amused [Wakfu] (lemonicbread)
Brasha Sobol, a knight in polished leather. My human gymnast swashbuckler
I just like rough lines. And quick art. And foxes. [F] (OC)