What song is this?
We curing male loneliness :D
What is the best and worst usa state flags in your opinion and tell me why
Do you drink coffee ?
What is your favorite song that is longer than 10 minutes?
What ACDC song is this?
What do you all consider tall?
Who are your Top 5 Favorite Classic Rock Bands? (No Solo Artists)
Drill Comp Sale Creek Potlicker Invitational
Who’s on your Mount Rushmore of the Greatest Classic Rock Guitarists?
Thoughts on FTATR? Where does it rank for you? (spoiler: It's one of my 2 favorites.)
What song makes you feel like this?
Obama’s 2009 Inauguration (Left) Compared to Trump’s 2016 Inauguration (Right)
which albums changed your life
How are you guys feeling about it?
In need of songs that feel like this
If you could change one single play from your team’s history, what would it be?
Angry Birds Classic Birds Elimination Game Day 1: Vote out your least favoruite bird!
Who are your Top 5 Favorite Rock Singers of All Time?
Stupid question about toasting
What are people's top 5 rock bands? (As broad as you like)
Should I take Bio 1 or Bio 1 Honors?
your favorite song from the bon scott era?
would you date someone with opposing political views than you?
What's yall's favorite episode?