Camera propping weirdo
I’m new hear
Baby looked blue again in today's stories. And why was she sleeping with that monstrosity on her head? Is this pageant prep? At least the band looked more comfortable.
the hospital pic
Already comparing sizes with Jeff's mini. If only she could squeeze into that NB set. Also, anyone else want to yank that tight bow off that poor child?
I simply wouldn’t even be thinking about another WEEKS postpartum
Ummm is she ok?
Baby wearing
Is this possible
Radio silence
Tell me she doesn’t look at reddit! 😂
Trouble in paradise? Or maybe she realized that besides the clothes, a baby girl is really no different than a baby boy. She's been abnormally quiet and usually posts more right after having a baby.
This popped up in my feed. So i clicked on the profile and this person has a creepy and sick obsession with "vloggers". Here are a few collages of Britt from the past week.
Did she run out of bows???
Middle name
More proof about how BBL is all about HERSELF!
Jeff only took this because he needed a cleavage shot. Not to capture this moment. And yes, she's real, dummy. Science is amazing and allowed you to gender select your lab baby.
Ok. Which one of you did this? 😂 I need to know if she blocked you!
Gross gross gross
Jeff (the weirdo and perv)’s post…
She's making reels from the hospital. Wasting no time to work her new cash cow.
Gosh i hope Gypsy Rose has her baby today too!
"Very last baby bump pictures" HOPEFULLY FOREVER.