How can i make our coop better?
my cat chilling with my girls <3
Can you send me funny ham pics. I'm trying not to cry while at the vet right now
help!! my gf and i share a hamster and we might break up... what do we do with our hamster?
fat fuck eats all the mealworms then attacks camera wanting more😥
rude karen throws treat away in disgust !!!
she dropped her treat😭
mealworm asmr by miso 🍜
miso loves climbing trees!! 🥦🥦
spotted these poor things in a pet market :(
post a pic of your hammy and i'll try to draw it - cute, derpy, or holiday pics especially!
giving my current hamster a life i wish i had given my first hamster when i was 9 :(
Send me your cutest hamsters, lets see if you are allowed in the dance club
came back from a month long trip, miso is still obsessed with me 🥹🥹
Is my hamster going to forget me?
miso somehow managed to shit on her back 😀
new hamster! help with name?
Teddy the tyrant
bro is literally the meme
play time with miso!
is it unusual for my 3/4 week old hamster to not use her hides (except from her multi chamber hide) and just burrow ?
fast as f*ck boiiii
liquid hampter