The worst part about moments like this, is that I only have myself to blame.....
Show me your last saved image and I'll decide if you'll knock on Heaven's door or not
"This is impossible" If it can bleed... IT CAN DIE
What's yalls favourite energy drink?
How do you beat him?
Why aren't there many builds surrounding whips?
Drop a song that makes you feel like this?
The Crimson Conqueror
What sword is he holding
Why do the most powerful items in this game look SO GOOFY
What are you doing in this situation?
Cold Blooded Samurai
Who would kill this beat? 😤
What would be better for a bleed build?
If you could add or change ANYTHING in Elden Ring, what would be your choices?
How do i beat it? Its so hard.
Vent by Empathik
Genuinely how do you avoid this
I'm concerned Fire Giant will be the boss I'm incapable of beating
I died because of him.
What was your biggest "iHateThisF'ingGame" moment?
Guys I'm graduating and I need suggestions on what Elden Ring to quote in the yearbook (image unrelated)