I can't believe the guys from Brawl Stars have a movie about them
Give me suggestions on the craziest Nubbz3 titles
Toy Story is over for me. Mission Successful
Number of Times a Brawler has been on a Loading Screen in Brawl Stars
Guys is this cheap????
Do you think Sonic was genuinely trying to kill Shadow?
Give this video a funny caption (I want to laugh)
I think you can see the only reason if I quit Brawl Stars soon
Who is that brawler in your opinion ??
bros neck is worse then mine
We ALL had that kind of teammate
Matching duos
What do you think about Ash?
You can't scroll until you leave at least one Sophist quote
For those who play with sound on, what is the legendary skin with the best voice lines in your opinion?
What is a brawl stars opinion that will have you in this position by the whole community?
Ah yes, 99999 points
Can we all agree that 2022 was probably the year that released the most (sadly) forgotten brawlers?
When have you last sighted ruffs in any of your games?
It has been decided that Sonic Rush Adventure is the most underrated Sonic game. Now what is the most disappoing game?
She's quite a pain in the ars
Buzz Lightyear at home
So I lost all my Pizza, havent gotten any free pizza yesterday, havent gotten 300 free pizza, and I dont even want them at this poins, I hate this s******y game