How’s your winter riding going?
Let’s see what you people ride
How's your Moto 2 holding up? 10k kms (6k miles) in already with two warranty replacements: clutch cable and quick shifter. Also comes with easily scratched paint, not what I expected from a Triumph.
No More Fakery
The Changing Face of Japanese Beer
2022 Ducati Supersport 950s with 5k miles leaking oil for the first time. Any ideas what could be the problem?
Over 2,000 Miles in 2 Weeks
Because One of You Requested It: The Side by Side of the 2022 Monster Plus and the 2023 Supersport 950 (non S)
How Serious was Genda’s Injury During WBC
After tons of delays
Wei-Chuan Dragons rookie SP Jo-Hsi Hsu’s impressive CPBL debut: 3.2IP, 11K, 0ER. Every batter he retired was struck out.
worst fucking BM
SU 76G FT or SU 85I or SU 76I?
I have almost 40 armored divisions. Even though there is not any armored div. in training it still says to me you are in 10k deficit in tanks. Are they the tanks who are broke or captured in my army? Or upgrade etc.
Tanks you don't see anymore.
So I Three Marked The 5A BB w/ 5K Combined Avg. After 52 battles...
So apparently for William Wallis achievement I need to do the Unite the Anglosphere. But another focus doesn't have a bypass.
My 3 year old adopted boys. Finally have the karma to show them to you guys!
Garrison Orders
so i heard yall hate arty
Bet you guys don't meet a lot of people from this hemisphere! Hello reddit from Japan =)
What The Hell is the Xaymacan Empire?
Tiger ll worth it?
I don't like the ST-II but there are also no other tanks in the game that interest meand I want to spend xp on right now, how long until the next tech tree tanks are added to the game, approximately?