House sitting
Extremely Aggressive Cat
Solutions for dog's pica
This scenario from a client?
Boarding dog ruined my plans
There's a first for everything
Why do they do this?
Adopted from SC! 11 week old girl. Found abandoned. Names? 🥰
Dog meant to drink from toilet
Cat sitter always late
Moral Support? :(
Fraud or Incompetence - There goes my rent
Why are clients doing this
Hello! This is my first time and I ate 4 grams three hours ago and feel nothing. Do I just wait until tomorrow and try more or less or make tea or what?
Dropping a Weekly client
Dogs not allowed on furniture
Special fees? Red flags?
Client Profile Removed🥲
What happens?
Client account hacked?
Meet and greet?
drop ins for dogs?
Is this illegal and negligent?