[Fluff] Your number of leadership tells me everything I need to know about you.
self defense [fluff]
Superfest Typo?[fluff]
what are some of the coldest gd quotes?
[fluff] The Battle Cats placed 19th in Gacha revenue in January 2025
Gacha Revenue Monthly Report (January 2025)
My superfest [fluff]
[fluff] Cat Game #3
[Fluff] My life is complete
[Fluff] Did you also notice how many dark catseyes we are getting lately?
Now hear me out [Fluff]
[Fan-Made] I just want to be apart of your symphony Daliasan
[fluff] The best unit in alphabetical order Day 2:B
[fluff] I brought it back
[discussion] how did you guys complete the new continuation stages?
Some [fan-made] seasonal enemies i made
[fluff] A short story between two Erasers :)
[fluff] Mr.
Imagine gantries like this 😁
[fluff] Cat Game #2
Whos’ the better anti-aku I should go for? Boobs or Kid?
[Fluff] "Super uber rare... Is it some kind of taxi?"
Flex your Superfest haul [fluff]. Here's mine. (55 pulls)
[Discussion] Why metal killer might not be as not as OP as you think.
[fluff] idea for a new gamatoto event area
[fluff] Ponor it’s the Year of the Snake not rat