Pixel Art Suwako!
Took a 3000mg edible and felt like I was fighting for my life for 3 hours. AMA
My two closest friends died in a car accident. I was supposed to be with them that night, but I fell accidentally asleep. AMA.
Men that carry a pocket knife or army knife style device every day... Why?
I have around 85,000 1999 Starwars Taco Bell Posters...
ULPT request: How to weigh 5 lbs more at a doctors appointment without actually gaining weight
My 82 year old neighbour still flies on his simulator every day with his friends.
I’m a failed trader.
What is a time a YouTuber got exposed that got you like this?
Best Berria tacos so far!
Dear people from China in hotels..
Amazing gross gambling vibes from new "the sanctum" section
The fact that bitcoin has reached $100,000 proves that it is useless as a functioning currency.
What's your favorite place and least favorite place in Tokyo?
Why do I get stuck with weird lazy people as "friends"?
Aurora Mini-Rework 14.23
Goodbye and thank you to Japan residents
Polite Japanese kids doing their English assignment
[OC][Giveaway] Win a dice set and support a designer! [mod approved]
動物 (doubutsu) - all moving things?
Shout out to Stanford
Mystery item in my pho. Update with pictures.
soo i got commissioned to animate lillia... (@lxstnayra on twitter)
The first crackdown on the purchaser side of Underage prostitution.
Amazing moment