Ate 10 whole eggs everyday for a Year... Here's my Cholesterol Levels.
नेपालका नीलो माइक्रोबस हटाउनु किन आवश्यक छ?
Haematology question
Whos a gay pornstar you highly find UNATTRACTIVE/CRINGE?
Why do people become die-hard fans of celebrities, while some only appreciate their qualities without idolizing them?
stuck in 5'4
What's wrong with Bootcamp? Should I just use BnB?
My grandfather got herpes. I don't know wht to fukcing do, how do I comprehend this. But I need to get this out.
Dikka lagdo desh mero
Why do people relate Hinduism with peace?
Weird reaction of parents, when they saw I'm consuming shilajit
A very wise and bold decision from T.U
“Virginity doesn’t matter” is a completely delusional and extremely harmful agenda to force into Nepali culture
Planning to Move Back to Nepal: Need Insights on Job Market and Salaries
LGBTQ+ marriage in nepal
Skincare brands trending in Nepal
Public transport routes from imadol to hilton hotel (Naxal)
Your Views?
Boka's of Reddit.
Virgin at 24?
What are the Worst place to work in Nepal
diet went wrong
Thoughts on Bangladesh
How old are you 😍