Need help getting started.
Creep 2… SUCKED! Yet no one else seems to think so.
Need help choosing a Korean film to watch form this list
Movies with an ending twist that changes the entire movie
What is a "Perfect" Film You've seen?
May have had the twist in “Oldboy” spoiled for me, is it still worth the watch?
Alright. Who has the most aura in cinema history?
Looking for the funniest horror comedies
Favourite xmas horror?
Tis’ the season to be jolly already so what are some of your favourite Christmas slasher / horror movie?
Wall of shame for this clown
Movie suggestions!
Need to add to my top ten movies!
What should I add to my top ten movies?
I have a list of Christmas movies that I’ve never seen…what should I watch first?
What are your favorite uncommon Christmas movies?
Geniunly scary horror movies
Added posters to my collection
Should I buy from Entertainment Earth or BigBad Toy Store? Or neither?
A little over 3 weeks post op, can I take my Steri-Strips off?
What would your Storyline be for Thor 5
What film role do you associate with Richard Dreyfuss the most?
Is Aliexpress a reliable website?
How has this not been covered yet?!?!
What are some performances you were most proud to see have won an Oscar?