What’s an opinion that leaves you like this?
Name this country:
Nombren una trilogía de videojuegos así
What did Jenner whisper to Rick?
How many seasons do you think the show needed to have a proper flow and a great ending?
Season 3, episode nine.
I physically cannot describe the aura that this photo gives me
yeah I don't really like her tbh
(No spoilers) I’m thinking about checking out the books, but not sure because of the ending, or rather the lack of one
Favorite scene?
Who would you bring back?
Can someone transform this into a real-looking photo, preserving the proportions?
The Red Wedding
Daenerys is really beginning to piss me off 😭
What is a popular opinion that you strongly disagree with?
Out of all of my friends’ tastes, whose is best/worst?
Jon's ending
Qué es lo que te hace inmediatamente poner está cara 🙄 en un post de Reddit?
I miss Robb Stark
Donald Trompadas
My Game of thorne hot takes. What is Your Hot takes about this series?
First time watching
Que son 17 años más 🗣️🗣️🗿
If You could choose from all the characters in the series, who would be the best candidate for the iron throne and who would be the worst?