Not gonna lie, titans have ruined the game for me since they were added.
Is the Tyrannotitan hunger really that bad?
About to be homeless
Facing a huge fine & 90-day suspension of driving privileges if I don't challenge this driving ticket
You never expect to be the one they call
Minimum Scores for ACFT
My wife is thinking of divorcing me
E5 vs E6 who was wrong?!
I lost a lot of faith in humanity yesterday
NCO's, how do you keep new privates from gravitating towards the dirtbags in your unit?
I (20f) think I cheated on my boyfriend (23m) last night
You are stuck on an 8 hour flight, which seat are you picking? AQW edition
If you have been in the army for more than 2 years, then you have no excuse for failing the ACFT.
Unfit for duty
Why do people hate MPs so much?
Looking to thank a friend
My boyfriend(22M) and I (21F) got the cops called on us for the first time(I think).
What do you use to stay awake/alert during “death by PowerPoint” days?
Anyone here just tired?
What silly Army rules grind your gears, but shouldnt.
Why do some who’ve served make it their entire personality for the rest of their life?
Can my Squad Leader force me to change my signal name and picture?
Daevala worth it?
I’m so fucking proud of this community.